Book reviews are an important tool for both readers and authors. For readers, the reviews provide valuable information about the book they’re considering, and helps them decide whether to purchase it or not. But for authors, they are critically important: book reviews are the lifeline that support the growth of our author brand. So, yes, they are important.
Increased Visibility
Book reviews help raise an author’s visibility. Every major retailer—Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.—tracks the number of reviews a book receives. The more reviews received, the higher the book ranks, and the more likely that a book will turn up in a search based on its genre or topic. By leaving a review, you help your favorite authors rank higher in search results, making their work easier for others to discover.
But beyond a book’s placement in the amazon algorithm (we can talk a lot about that!), book reviews show readers that a book is worth reading. In essence, it is evidence of the author’s credibility. There’s nothing less satisfying than opening your Amazon to show someone your novel and having it show few—if any—reviews. The fewer book reviews you have, the lower your perceived credibility as an author. Consistently receiving positive reviews enhances an author’s reputation and establishes them as a credible and talented writer. Once you read a book, I highly encourage you to leave a review.

Giving Authors Valuable Feedback
While book reviews can consist simply of a five star rating and a “I liked this book!” any feedback beyond that, such as “great characters,” or “I was confused at first, but really got into it,” helps us. As writers, we come at our writing from a very different place than our readers do. Constructive book reviews give us the feedback we need to become even better. By leaving a review, you give your favorite authors the opportunity to learn from their audience and continue producing engaging, high-quality work. Further, reviews can also guide authors in their future projects. When reviewers ask for a particular character to be enhanced in future projects, authors can use than information for their next novel.
Show Me (Them) The Money
And while I don’t want to push the financial aspect too much, the majority of writers in the US earn less than $10,000 per year from their writing—often significantly less. When our books are reviewed, the chance that other consumers will find our books and purchase them rises. This is particularly important for indie and self-published authors. Without the backing of a major publishing house, these authors rely heavily on word-of-mouth and online reviews to generate buzz around their books. By leaving a review for your favorite indie or self-published author, you directly contribute to their ability to make a living from their passion.

Book reviews play an essential role in the success of authors, especially your favorites. Taking the time to leave a thoughtful, honest review not only helps potential readers discover new books but also provides valuable feedback and support to the authors who create the stories we love.