Take Hart is Ready to Take Off!

I’m in the final phases of preparing Take Hart for sales and distribution.  Of course, along the way there are always hiccups.  In this case, the distributor I used for Twin Worlds — Pronoun — has announced that they are ceasing operations in mid-January.  So I will need to migrate all my work off of Pronoun and place them directly with the other platforms such as Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBook and Google Play before that time.  In fact, I may not do that at all since the majority of sales tend to come through Amazon, so I’m still debating what to do.

Another task I had to complete recently was registering Western Shore Books as a trade name in Maryland.  In that way, any books I choose to self-publish will have the Western Shore Books imprint rather than some generic one like Amazon.  A good idea, huh?

Oh, and just yesterday, I received my paperback proof copy of Take Hart.

As you can see, the cover is awesome!  Thanks to all of you who gave me your feedback on the cover last month.

Finally, November, also known as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) was successful in that I complete the very rough draft of Diaspora, the first novel to feature the character of Mitchell Street.  Street is a former detective and now private investigator living in Port Angel, the same city featured in Take HartDiaspora is the first novel I plan to submit to traditional publishers, so keep your fingers crossed!

I’ll keep you informed as Take Hart takes off!

F. J.