St. Mary’s County Library Author’s Fair

The Author’s Fair was a hit!  You might think a person would get bored listening to a succession of eleven authors speaking over four hours, but that was certainly not the case on Saturday at the Lexington Park Library.  The program was well orchestrated by two library staff members, and featured several authors.  I found every one of the authors offered important information I could use in editing, marketing and promotion and support.  From Millie Mack, I learned about C3, which is Creatures, Crime and Creativity, a writer’s group in Maryland that sponsors a conference every fall.  From Robin Covington, I learned about “finding my tribe,” essentially finding and connecting with people who can support me and share resources that help the entire group.  Dawn Marie Hamilton shared with me a number of excellent marketing and  focused often on science fiction and mysteries.

Thanks to the St. Mary’s County Library and their staff for sponsoring this excellent event!

F. J. T.